Advocacy Page Two
Page One
Page Two
Bred in Disgusting Conditions
Dirt On Dairy
Fur Farm
Unweaned Birds: Hidden Victims
Adopting A Companion Animal
Animals In The Circus
"The question is
Can they reason? nor
Can they talk? but,
Can they suffer?"
Jeremy Bentham |
a Companion Animal
a cat or dog is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Anyone
considering adopting a companion animal should seriously consider the
lifelong commitment involved. Don't forget that dogs may live 12 to 15
years and cats even longer -- 15 to 18 years or more.
some research about various breeds and species, so you know which ones are
best suited to your lifestyle. Evaluate your budget before adopting.
Veterinary care (even for a healthy animal: yearly wellness exams,
vaccinations, and flea and heartworm control products), obedience classes,
pet food, grooming supplies, bedding, litter, and toys add up to a lot
more than you might think.
you have made a well-informed decision to adopt a companion animal, visit
your local animal control shelter or humane society first. Even if you are
looking for a specific breed, you may be able to find it at your local
shelter. You can also adopt from a breed rescue group. Rescue groups exist
for virtually every breed of dog and cat. Your humane society or animal
control agency can provide you with a list of rescue groups in your area,
and many groups also have web sites on the Internet -- or call API for
more information.
that puppies and kittens find homes more easily than older animals, so
please consider adopting an adolescent or adult. Mature animals are often
house- or litter-box trained, and they may have had some training, or at
least have learned some manners. You can avoid the destructive behavior
associated with teething. And, you can tell what type of disposition the
animal has, since his personality is already fully developed.
shelters and humane societies now require surgical sterilization prior to
adoption. This strict policy is gradually helping to reduce pet
overpopulation, and in the last few years we are finally seeing a decline
in the number of healthy, adoptable animals being euthanized. If your new
companion is not already sterilized, do make arrangements for the surgery
as soon as possible.
do not
purchase your companion animal from a pet store, backyard breeder,
Internet site, auction, or newspaper ad. Instead, save a life by adopting
from a local shelter or breed rescue group. Contrary to what you may have
heard, even older dogs can learn at least one new trick -- being
your loving and loyal companion.
Problems with Purebreds
are man-made, "designer" dogs and cats. Mating animals with
similar genetics and bloodlines increases the chance that their offspring
will inherit the specific traits that are standard for that breed's
appearance. However, to produce the diverse looks of cats and dogs that we
see today, the health and well-being of the animals themselves have been
largely ignored.
animals often suffer from genetically-based health problems, which range
from annoying to life-threatening. Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, and other
short-legged dogs with long bodies often have back problems. Many Maine
Coon cats die at a young age from severe heart disease. The female
Bulldog's pelvis is too small to give birth normally -- all puppies must
be delivered by cesarian section. Persian cats often have difficulty
breathing and chronic eye discharges. Giant breed dogs, like Great
Pyrenees, Irish Wolfhounds, and Great Danes, are prone to bone cancer as
well as heart disease. Hip dysplasia -- and the pain and disability that
go along with it -- has a significant genetic component.
and behavior problems may also result from breeding for a certain look
without regard to other traits that may accompany those looks. For
instance, Labrador and Golden Retrievers used to be known for their calm,
placid dispositions, which were perfect for households with small
children. Today, many retrievers are "hyperactive" and can even
pose a danger to children because of their unpredictability. (Of course,
not all breeders are irresponsible. Dedicated hobby breeders do stop
breeding a certain bloodline when they see that their animal's offspring
have undesirable genetic traits.)
Stores, Puppy Mills and Backyard Breeders
dogs sold in pet stores, at auctions, through multiple breed newspaper
ads, or over the Internet come from "puppy mills," where dogs
are bred solely for profit. These dogs spend their entire lives in tiny
cages, often with wire floors that hurt and deform their feet. Many times
these cages are stacked on top of each other, so that urine and feces from
animals in the top cages fall through onto the animals below. A typical
mill keeps dozens of breeds and hundreds of dogs. There are also
"kitten mills"where cats endure the same deplorable conditions
(as well as ferret, rabbit, and rodent "mills," where these
animals are produced in large numbers).
in puppy mills receive little, if any, veterinary care. The females are
repeatedly bred, and become so fatigued from being pregnant and delivering
and caring for their pups that they no longer have the energy to clean
themselves. Their coats become matted and filthy, they are depressed and
malnourished, and many die young.
puppies of these pitiful, neglected dogs are usually in poor health from
birth. They are often abruptly weaned and sent off to pet stores when only
four to six weeks old. These young pups are crammed several to a crate
with little or no food or water, and shipped long distances by truck to
pet stores throughout the United States. Often these puppies arrive at pet
stores weak and sick, and many die in transit. Those that survive are sold
at exorbitant prices regardless of their physical condition. Since they
receive so little attention at the mill, they are poorly socialized, and
many develop behavior problems, such as fear biting and house-soiling.
breeders" often sell to pet stores, or by advertising in local
newspapers. Backyard breeders are people who keep a few females to breed
in order to sell the offspring. Although backyard breeders may breed and
keep a smaller number of dogs than a puppy mill, most do it mainly for
financial gain, while ignoring the overall health and disposition of the
dogs that they are breeding.
special problem occurs with breeds that experience a burst of fame due to
television or movie exposure, like Dalmatians and Jack Russell Terriers.
These dogs are quickly mass-bred to take advantage of the wave of
popularity, even though these breeds may not be suitable for many homes.
Thousands of them will spend their lives ignored, abused, or chained in a
yard, be abandoned on the street or in the countryside to die of
starvation, injury, or exposure to the elements, or be surrendered to
shelters -- all because of undesirable traits or behaviors, even though
these may be quite normal for the breed.
the way we adopt companion animals, and being more responsible about how
we care for them, is the best solution.
estimated 58 million dogs and 66 million cats live in households in the
United States. For every cat with a home, a cat lives homeless on the
streets. Because irresponsible people -- accidentally or intentionally --
allow their animals to reproduce, an estimated 8-12 million dogs and cats
enter shelters each year in hope of finding a permanent, loving home.
However, about 55% of dogs and 76% of cats entering shelters are
euthanized (killed). More than SEVEN MILLION animals are euthanized at
shelters each year. Most of the animals killed are healthy, happy,
adoptable animals. Their only crime is that they are strays, homeless, or
unwanted -- by-products of the serious problem of overpopulation.
if you want a special breed, always adopt rather than purchase.
Twenty-five percent of animals entering shelters are purebreds, and there
are many purebred rescue groups, so there is a good chance you can get the
animal you want and save a life at the same time. And, of course, please,
always spay and neuter your companion animals!
For more information and links on
this subject, see Puppy
Mills Breed Misery.
in the Circus -- Dying to Entertain You
Performing captive
wildlife -- elephants, lions, tigers, bears, baboons, monkeys, camels,
llamas - all endure years of physical and psychological pain and
suffering in traveling acts to "entertain" an uninformed
No Life
For Animals
Animals used in
the circus and other traveling acts travel thousands of miles each year
without water, in railroad cars or trucks not air-conditioned in summer
or heated in winter. Elephants are forced to stand in their own waste,
chained in place for up to 100 hours while being transported from one
performance to another. These performing animals do not receive the
proper care, nutrition, and environmental enrichment required for their
Elephants suffer
terribly while being used for human "entertainment." Elephants
have three basic needs -- live vegetation for food, family
relationships, and freedom of movement -- all of which are denied in the
circus setting. In captivity, baby elephants are wrenched from their
mother at one year of age and are trained with abusive domineering
Perhaps as the
result of the ongoing stress and abuse they endure, there have been 29
premature deaths of elephants used in the circus since 1994. One of the
most recent was the death of Kenny, a 3-year-old baby Asian elephant
with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, who died after being
forced to perform three times while obviously ill. Although Ringling
Bros. was charged with violating the Animal Welfare Act by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA), the government agency charged with
overseeing circuses, the case was settled out of court without Ringling
admitting or denying guilt in Kenny's death.
Compare the
existence of captive elephants to those left in the wild. Elephants in
the wild live as long as 70 years! Wild elephants live in herds and have
a large extended family with strong social bonds. Baby elephants stay
very close to their mothers for the first three years of their lives,
and the females remain with their extended families throughout their
lifetime. They roam up to 25 miles a day foraging for food and water.
They take dust baths and find comfort during hot weather by wading in
water and standing in the shade.
Large exotic cats
used in the circus don't fare any better. In the wild, large cats roam
for miles each day; they hunt for food, sleep in the sun and lead a
fairly solitary existence. Exotic cats used in the circus are allowed
none of these behaviors. They live and travel in small cages in close
confinement with other cats. They have little room to move around and
are never provided with any environmental enrichment.
By Intimidation
Elephant training
is almost always based on fear and intimidation; trainers must break the
spirit of these magnificent animals in order to control them. It is not
uncommon for an elephant to be tied down and beaten for days at a time
while being trained to "perform." During their training and
throughout their lives in captivity elephants are beaten with clubs,
shocked with electric prods, stabbed with sharp (ankus) hooks and
Cats used in the
circus are also trained by inherently cruel and dominating methods to
force them to perform tricks that are unnatural and undignified. Exotic
cats are often whipped, choked, and beaten during their training
sessions. To force a cat, such as a tiger, to stand on her hind legs,
her front paws are often burned with cigarette lighters. To make the
cats used in the circus run "enthusiastically" into the circus
arena, they are often prodded with pipes or frightened by loud noises to
make them appear excited to perform.
It is no wonder
that out of frustration and rage elephants used in circuses have been
responsible for 43 human deaths worldwide since 1990. Denied their
natural behaviors, and stressed by being kept in close quarters and
being forced to constantly perform inane tricks, captive cats also
strike back against those responsible for their confinement. There have
been more than 75 documented human attacks by felines since 1990. In one
recent case, Arnie, a tiger performing with Ringling Bros. and Barnum
& Bailey Circus, mauled and nearly killed his trainer. After the
incident, Arnie was shot five times and killed while locked in a cage by
the brother of the injured trainer.
Spotless Record
No traveling
animal act, regardless of size or appearance, is capable of handling
exotic wildlife in a humane manner. Federal USDA inspection records of
the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus show more than 100
instances of substandard animal keeping between 1992 and 1997. Although
such a record of non-compliant items is not rare, citations are seldom
issued. Each year only approximately a dozen of the 2,000+ licensed
animal exhibitors in the U.S. are cited, and just one or two may have
their license suspended or revoked by the USDA. Fines are frequently
Despite poor
enforcement of animal welfare laws to protect animals in circuses, hope
is on the horizon. A movement is underway to restrict or ban traveling
animal acts at the local and state level. Traveling acts using animals
have been banned in a number of cities in Australia and Canada. Several
towns in the U.S. have prohibited animal acts and a few large cities are
considering bans. Bills restricting circuses have been introduced in
several state legislatures in recent years, and in 1999 legislation was
introduced in Congress to prohibit the use of elephants in circuses and
for rides.
What You
Can Do:
- Do not patronize any form of
entertainment that uses animals.
- Tell your friends and family to boycott all animal
circuses and other animal acts. Instead support one of the growing
number of circuses that do not use animals.
- Do not allow elephant rides or other animal acts to be
used for fundraising purposes in your community. Contact the event
sponsors and urge them to promote humane, animal-free circuses
- Support legislation to protect captive exotic animals.
- If you witness animal cruelty at an event, document it
in writing and/or with photographs or videotape and report it to
your local humane society and the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA):
USDA Animal Care
4700 River Road, Unit 84
Riverdale, MD 20737-1234
Fax 301-734-4978
Protection Institute – 4/18/00 |
Unweaned Birds: Hidden Victims
Young, unweaned birds are routinely removed
from their parents at or shortly after hatching to be artificially reared
by humans. This practice gained popularity under the faulty assumption
that it was the best way to ensure that birds became "tame" and bonded
with their human caregivers. The sad truth is that hand-rearing has meant
misery for countless generations of birds.
Hand-feeding, especially in the hands of
inexperienced individuals, often leads to tragic complications, including
infection, aspiration pneumonia (caused by food entering the lungs),
burned or punctured crops (caused by forceful feeding or food that is too
hot), malnutrition, or even death. Birds who are artificially reared are
also more likely to develop behavioral problems such as excessive
screaming, feather plucking, self-mutilation, and aggression.
Unfortunately, many people still mistakenly believe that
hand-feeding a bird guarantees a good "pet." In some instances, this is
because bird breeders and pet shop employees who are unaware of the risks
of artificial rearing dispense inaccurate information. But the bird
industry also perpetuates the "hand-fed" myth for self-serving reasons,
since the practice helps facilitate mass-scale breeding. Separating young
birds from their parents increases production by encouraging the adult
birds to produce more babies and, therefore, more "merchandise."
While fifteen states prohibit the sale of some unweaned animals,
most limit the restrictions to puppies and kittens (some states also
prohibit the sale of rabbits, chickens, and ducks under a certain age).
Currently, no states address the sale of unweaned companion birds, despite
the serious animal welfare and consumer protection concerns associated
with the practice.
Taken from an article by Monica
Engebretson in Animal Issues, Fall 2003.
here to for more information on this subject. |
The Fur Farm Fallacy
Upon hearing the word "farm," most people imagine an picturesque scene:
green hills, red barns, contented animals lazing in the sun.
But life (and death) on a fur "farm" is anything but idyllic for the
foxes, mink, and other animals imprisoned there. Also disingenuously
referred to as fur "ranches," these facilities are more akin to
industrialized torture camps.
Animal advocates have had tremendous success in educating the public
about the horrors involved in the trapping of wild animals for the fur
trade. Graphic images of foxes and other furbearing mammals fighting
desperately to free themselves from the steel jaws of traps are indelibly
etched on many people's minds. Few would deny the cruelty of setting
strangulation snares or body-gripping traps to capture animals in forests
and fields.
By contrast, many people still mistakenly believe that animals raised
for their fur are treated more humanely than those trapped in the wild. A
recent study conducted for the International Association of Fish &
Wildlife Agencies indicated that most respondents objected to trapping
animals to make fur products and voiced a preference for furs from fur
Such survey results are pleasing to the fur industry, which for years
has worked to popularize products from what it calls "ranch-raised"
animals. Fur trade propagandists work hard to sell the idea that animals
on fur farms live "the good life." But nothing could be farther from the
Not Old McDonald's Farm
On fur farms, animals such as foxes, mink, ferrets, and sables (an
animal in the weasel family) spend their entire lives stacked on top of
one other in barren cages with nothing beneath their feet but wire mesh.
Those in the topmost cages are marginally more fortunate; they do not have
feces falling into their food and water from animals imprisoned above. In
many cases, multiple animals are forced to share a single, tiny cage. They
may have no protection from wind, rain, or snow, save a roof on an "open"
Studies have shown that as many as 85 percent of the animals confined
in these facilities develop behavioral abnormalities such as rocking,
head-bobbing, and self-mutilation due to boredom, anxiety, and the
inability to meet their instinctual needs. A mink who, in the wild, would
forage and roam for miles, might spend her days frantically pacing her
cage, stopping only to bite repeatedly at her own tail.
Fur farms inflict such terrible psychological trauma on animals that in
one study of vixen (female foxes), half of the kit loss that occurred
prior to weaning was attributed to infanticidal behaviors, primarily
mothers eating their young. Such behavior rarely occurs in wild
populations. Diseases harbored in filthy pens and disorders caused by
genetic manipulation are also seen in animals on fur farms.
If life on a fur farm is cruel, death there is equally so. After
suffering through years of confinement, animals are killed and skinned for
their pelts. Killing methods are typically cheap, crude, and performed in
such a way so as not to damage the animal's fur; there is no such thing as
humane "euthanasia" on a fur farm.
On U.S. fur farms, one of the most frequently used methods of killing
animals is electrocution: the "farmer" puts a metal clamp in an animal's
mouth, a metal rod in the anus, and sends a high-voltage current surging
through the body. Sometimes the power surge forces the rod out of the
anus, so the procedure must be repeated to kill the animal. Other
commonly-employed techniques include homemade gas chambers, such as a box
hooked up to a tractor exhaust pipe; lethal injection of various chemicals
that kill through paralysis, which can result in immobilized animals being
skinned alive; and neck breaking.
More than 36 million animals die on fur farms around the world each
year. Thirty-one million (or about 90 percent) of these animals are mink.
Foxes account for another 4.5 million, while chinchillas, sable, ferret
(usually marketed as "fitch"), coypus (an aquatic mammal also known as
"nutria"), and raccoon dogs (not to be confused with the North American
raccoon), account for most of the remaining half-million animals. Due to
the recent drop in pelt prices for mink and fox, some of U.S. fur farms
have attempted to "diversify" by raising bobcat, coyote, raccoon, and
beavers, along with coypus and rabbits -- all in equally abhorrent
A Lawless Industry
Some countries, including England, Scotland, and Wales, have recently
outlawed fur farms. During debates about fur farms in the United Kingdom
in December 2000, government minister Elliot Morley stated:
Fur farming is not consistent with the proper value and respect for
animal life. This is a moral issue that goes beyond welfare
considerations. In the 21st century, animals should not be killed just
for the business of stripping their skins off their backs ... In a
modern society there should be room for Government to make ethical
decisions and it is right and proper for the Government to have
introduced this ban.
Unfortunately, the U.S. government seems not to agree with this
assessment. In fact, no federal laws regulate how the animals on the
nearly 400 fur farms in operation in the U.S. are to be housed, cared for,
or killed.
Even with the handful of countries banning or restricting fur farming,
globally, fur-farm production is increasing, particularly in Asia. This
phenomenon can be traced the increased marketing and public acceptance of
fur trim. Today, male minks and foxes are killed almost exclusively for
use in fur-trimmed accessories such as hats, jacket collars, and ruffs --
proof that, despite what some apologists claim, fur trim is not a
byproduct of the larger fur trade.
Just because animals are raised for their fur in confined and
controlled settings doesn't reduce their intense pain and suffering. It is
essential that animal advocates fight myths propagated by fur-farm
For more information about this topic, visit API's newest website,
www.BanCruelTraps.com ,
where you can find extensive information about the fur trade.
Be a Caring Consumer
Sometimes, well-meaning shoppers purchase items containing fur in the
mistaken belief that the fur is fake. Part of this confusion stems from a
loophole in U.S. labeling law that prevents consumers from easily
accessing product information, and that the fur industry lobbied hard to
keep in place.
In 2000, after an international investigation into the widespread
slaughter of dogs and cats for the fur trade, Congress passed the Dog and
Cat Protection Act, which made the import, export, transport, or sale of
dog and cat fur illegal in the U.S. Unfortunately, the law left in place
an earlier loophole that only those fur items valued at more than $150
dollars must be labeled as real and identify the species of origin. This
causes tremendous uncertainty in the marketplace, since it can be
difficult even for retailers to differentiate real fur from faux.
The following guidelines may be helpful for consumers who want to
ensure that their purchases are indeed fur-free:
- fake fur
- feels coarser than fur from animals;
- contains hairs that are all the same length and color (real fur
usually contains layers of hair of different lengths and textures);
- and is mounted on a base that can easily be perforated by a pin,
whereas genuine fur remains attached to the animal's skin.
Save animals -- shop smart!
From an article by Shari Lasniak in Animal Issues, Fall
here for more information. |
The Dirt on Dairy
Dairy products are detrimental to your health and
to the environment. The suffering inflicted upon the cows and their calves
is horrendous. Please read the following article by Monica Engebretson to
find out the facts:
A Dairy Diary
The modern-day dairy cow suffers greatly during her unnaturally
short life. Her home is most often an overcrowded dirt lot, where she may
be forced to stand in fetid pools of mud, urine, and manure. Fed from a
trough, she rarely, if ever, sees a pasture.
Each year she is forcefully inseminated so that she will conceive
and give birth -- a prerequisite for lactation. Her calf will be taken
from her within hours of delivery; for days, she may bellow frantically in
search of her baby. During her ten-month lactation period, machines will
drain her of ten to twenty times the amount of milk her calf would suckle.
If her calf is male, he will probably be thrown in a truck and sent
to auction soon after he is born. If he survives this ordeal, he is likely
sold to a veal operation. For the duration of his short life, he will be
confined to a tiny crate that prevents almost all movement. He will be fed
a meager, iron-poor diet so that his flesh will remain pale, the way "fine
diners" prefer. A female calf will not fare much better. In most cases,
she will remain on the farm to replace her mother or some other worn-out
milk producer.
A dairy cow might be injected with a variety of substances that then
make their way into the human food supply. She may receive injections of
synthetic hormones that increase her milk supply by an additional 30
percent. As a result, she will be chronically hungry and prone to mastitis
-- a painful udder infection that afflicts up to 75 percent of dairy cows.
She will probably also receive large doses of antibiotics before she is
A cow who becomes ill in modern dairy operations often suffers
greatly before she is noticed and treated (or killed). According to Bill
Bickert, an agricultural engineer at Michigan State University, "The
large-scale dairy can result in a lack of attention to detail when it
comes to procedures and individual cow care." Dairy expert John Kirk, DVM,
of the University of California at Davis, stated in a lecture last year
that the at least 20 to 25 percent of cows in dairy herds experience
painful lameness.
After years of cycling through continuous pregnancies, births, and
lactations, a cow's milk production will begin an irreversible decline and
she will be "culled" from the herd. In California today, the average
productive life for a dairy cow is a mere 2.4 lactations (starting at age
2) before she is sent to slaughter, even though she has a potential
lifespan of 20 or more years. Nearly 15 percent of all beef
consumed in the U.S. consists of the bodies of slaughtered dairy cows.
Mega-Dairies, Mega-Destruction
Not only are modern-day dairy practices inhumane to animals, they
are dangerous to the planet. Large dairies containing many thousands of
cows are increasingly common and are particularly hazardous to the
"Mega-dairies" are becoming the norm in California, which leads the
nation in dairy production. In 2000, the state's 2,195 dairies churned out
32 billion gallons of milk, or about 18 percent of the U.S.'s supply.
Because the cost of land in California is generally very high, most
dairies located there keep the maximum number of cows in the minimum
amount of space. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
between 1993 and 1998, the average number of cows per dairy in California
nearly doubled; in 2000, the state had 1.5 million dairy cows. The
environmental havoc mega-dairies have wreaked in California should serve
as warning to other states not yet as severely impacted, since the growth
of large operations there merely reflects a national trend toward more
concentrated operations.
The EPA defines "large" dairies as those housing 700 or more cows,
but many "mega-dairies" confine several thousand animals in a small area.
These operations are a common point source of both water and air
pollution, which fall unevenly across the region in which the dairies
operate. The EPA's 2002 Progress Report for the Pacific Southwest
Region illustrates the damaging effects of the waste produced at
large-scale dairy operations. According to the report, "each cow produces
about 120 pounds of wet manure per day." A 1,000-cow dairy will produce
the same amount of waste as a city of 20,000 people, with no sewage
These outsized quantities of manure can contaminate rivers and
groundwater supplies, including sources of drinking water for humans.
Water pollution from dairies occurs in a number of different ways, from
slow continuous leaking of manure-laced runoff into groundwater, to
untimely rain after the application of manure to a field, to breaks or
overflows in "lagoons" built to hold vast amounts of waste. According to
the EPA, dairy waste pollutes waters with "nutrients (e.g., nitrate,
phosphorous), organic matter, sediments ... heavy metals, hormones,
antibiotics and ammonia" deadly to fish and aquatic ecosystems. The EPA
also warns of "public health threats" caused by microorganisms in animal
wastes, such as E. coli, salmonella, and
cryptosporidium, which, when they enter the human drinking water
supply, can cause serious illness or death. In 1998, the California Water
Resources Control Board listed the water quality of 9 rivers and 49 ground
water basins in the state as impaired by waste from animal operations,
particularly dairies.
Pollution is not the only impact on local water supplies. Dairy
farms are also intensive users of water. For example, The
Heritage Dairy, a hotly-contested 6,000-cow facility recently given
permission to operate in Dixon, CA (see sidebar) will consume
approximately 9 million gallons of well water each year. With droughts and
development already putting water supplies in jeopardy, the country can
ill afford to pump vast quantities of this resource into the ballooning
dairy industry.
The Air We Breathe
Of all environmental impacts created by mega-dairies, air pollution
generally imposes the most immediate problem for the community. Dairy
workers and those living near dairies frequently report adverse health
effects from exposure to animal waste. People who experience prolonged
exposure to dairy-related pollutants are vulnerable to respiratory
illness, lung inflammation, and asthma, according to the EPA. The agency
also states that "odorous and potentially toxic gases, such as sulfur
dioxide, produced by the decomposition of animal wastes, may also cause
nausea, headaches, and throat and eye irritation." Recently, three men at
two different dairies in California died when they were overcome by toxic
fumes from liquefied manure, fell into manure holding tanks, and drowned.
Dairy facilities also contribute to other air quality problems by
introducing dust, smog, and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. For
example, manure lagoons are a major source of methane, a potent greenhouse
gas that contributes to global warming. According to the EPA, the world's
livestock herds and waste lagoons comprise the largest source (30 percent)
of human-induced emissions of methane.
Emissions from dairies and other animal feeding operations also play
a role in the formation of ozone (smog) and other pollutants that pose a
danger to public health and that are regulated by the Clean Air Act. High
ozone levels can also reduce crop yields and make plants more vulnerable
to disease. In California's Central Valley, a largely agricultural region
in which ozone and particular matter often exceed national health
standards, state projections show that animal waste is on track to become
one of the largest sources of smog within the next three years.
Dust and dried manure particles kicked up by cows on crowded
feedlots also contribute to air pollution. According to a May 15, 2002
article in the Los Angeles Times, the particulates in cow
excrement carried downwind from dairies in Chino contribute to "some of
the worst particle air pollution in the nation." Moreover, in the American
Lung Association's May 2001 report on air pollution, California counties
receiving a grade of "F" for air quality included all the major
dairy-producing counties: Fresno (105 dairies), Kern (33 dairies), Kings
(151 dairies), Madera (46 dairies), Merced (313 dairies), Riverside (109
dairies), Sacramento (55 dairies), San Bernardino (193 dairies), San
Joaquin (151 dairies), Stanislaus (305 dairies), and Tulare (236 dairies)
(1998 dairy statistics from the California Department of Agriculture).
Until 2002, factory farms were exempt from clean air requirements in
California because of a long-standing legal loophole that was closed only
after community groups, including Medical Alliance for Healthy Air,
Communities for a Better Environment, and the Natural Resources Defense
Council, filed suit. A recent study by the National Academy of Sciences
(NAS), however, reveals that regulation of air quality problems arising
from factory farms is a tricky endeavor. According to the NAS, "Because
the Clean Air Act and its regulations generally rely on objective measures
of pollutants, the regulatory process has not been effective in
controlling odors, which are difficult to measure objectively." In other
words, permitting mega-dairies and other industrial-sized farms under the
Clean Air Act will do little to protect the community (including humans,
wildlife, and domestic animals) from air quality problems associated with
factory farming.
Ironically, while communities suffer from the impacts of
industrial-sized dairies, and cows suffer from the effects of overcrowding
and forced milk stimulation, the dairy industry itself is experiencing
economic hardship due to overproduction: Because supplies are abundant,
farmers receive lower prices for the milk they produce. State and federal
subsidies, which encourage even greater milk output, only exacerbate the
problem -- at the taxpayers' expense.
In California, for example, the state plans to pay dairy farmers up
to $45 million over a 12-month period in the form of agricultural
subsidies. Even some in the dairy industry point out the illogic of using
tax dollars to pay farmers for overproduction. Rachel Kaldor, Executive
Director of the Dairy Institute in Sacramento, told The Sacramento Bee
earlier this year, "We have so much extra milk right now ... and we know
as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that when you give dairymen or
anyone else more money for their product, they will make more." It's a
costly, destructive cycle that shows no sign of slowing.
Healthier Humans
Fortunately, not only do numerous dairy alternatives exist, they are
increasing in popularity -- and for good reason. Research shows that dairy
products supply about one-third of the saturated fat found in the typical
American diet; saturated fat raises "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood
more than other forms of fat. Residues from the hormones and antibiotics
fed to many dairy cows also threaten human health. Further, according to a
recent study published in the journal Nature Genetics, between 30
million and 50 million North Americans, including 75 percent of
African-Americans and 90 percent of Asian-Americans, are lactose
intolerant and frequently experience nausea, cramps, bloating, gas, and
diarrhea after ingesting dairy foods.
Despite the dairy industry's attempts to peddle the image of milk
and milk-based products as "health foods," the truth is, a dairy-free diet
may be a better bet, nutritionally speaking.
"But what about calcium?" is a question commonly posed to those who
choose not to eat dairy. Although the public largely associates calcium
with dairy this essentially nutrient is actually present in many non-dairy
products, such as leafy green vegetables, fortified orange juice and soy
beverages, dried figs, and enriched wheat flour. In fact, the calcium in
leafy greens (with the exception of spinach and collard greens) is often
more plentiful and better absorbed than the calcium in dairy products, and
contains no cholesterol or saturated fat. Additionally, unlike dairy
foods, vegetables contain beneficial phytochemicals and are loaded with
Moreover, while dairy products do contain calcium, there is no
evidence that milk consumption prevents osteoporosis, as the milk industry
often implies. In fact, documented evidence now suggests that the opposite
may be true.
A 1998 study published by the Journal of the American Dietetic
Association revealed that vegan women did not have lower bone density
than vegetarian women despite the fact that the vegan women consumed no
dairy products and had lower intakes of calcium. The reason for this may
be that reducing calcium loss is more important than levels of calcium
intake. Diets high in protein, particularly animal protein, appear to
increase the loss of calcium through the urine and lead to a weakening of
the bones.
Another recent study (in which two API staff participated) further
supports the benefits of a dairy-free diet. Researchers at the University
of California at Davis, exploring the relationship between osteoporosis
and diet, compared women who eat both animal and plant foods to women who
only eat plant-derived foods. Their results indicated that rates of bone
resorption -- in which calcium is leached from bones into the bloodstream
-- were the same in the omnivore women and the vegan women. Bone
formation rates, however, were significantly lower in the women who
ate animal products, indicating a possible association between omnivorous
diets and lower bone densities.
Dairy products also appear to increase vulnerability to cancer.
According to a study published in the July 16, 2003 edition of the
Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that premenopausal
women aged 26-46 who eat red meat and high-fat dairy foods, such as
cheese, may be at greater risk for breast cancer than those whose fats
come primarily from plant sources.
This is not the first time that animal products have been implicated
in contributing to certain cancers. A report published in the January 2001
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition linked eating meat with
certain cancers and found colon cancer to be most strongly correlated with
a meat-heavy diet. A 1997 report by the American Institute for Cancer
Research and the world Cancer Research Fund concluded that vegetarians
have decreased rates of several kinds of cancer, due to their larger
intake of plant foods.
If we choose to listen, there is a clear message to be heard in the
results of these health studies, in the suffering of the cows exploited in
dairy production, and in the environmental harm dairies cause to our air,
soil, and water: For the sake of animals, people, and the planet, don't
buy dairy!
If you would like more information on healthy and humane nutrition,
request a copy
of API's "Going Veggie: A Beginner's Guide," or visit
Community Fights Mega-dairy Invasion
When a 6,000-cow mega-dairy was allowed to move in next door to the
small town of Dixon, CA, without an environmental review or public input,
API sprang into action. API joined forces with Viva!, Animal Place, The
Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights, and local residents to
form the Citizen Action Group Against Mega Dairies. This grassroots
coalition demanded that the local government and planning commission
listen to the community concerns about the environment, property values,
human health, and animal welfare.
Many California dairy producers have learned the value of doing
business in counties that have no experience with industrial-sized
dairies. When land prices or regulatory burdens increase in one area, many
dairies opt to pack up and move to a location with cheaper land and
minimal or nonexistent regulations.
Such was the case in Dixon, a town targeted by two companies
experiencing environmental challenges in other California locales. First,
in the spring of 2002, The Heritage Dairy, a 6,000-cow operation,
relocated to Dixon from Ontario, in southern California. Soon afterward,
the Zysling Dairy submitted an application for another 6,000-cow dairy,
after facing environmental challenges in Tulare County, CA.
Members of the Citizens Group protested to county and city
officials, testified at hearings, and alerted the media about the
mega-dairies. This public outcry led to more intense scrutiny of the
Zysling Dairy, which subsequently withdrew its permit request. After a
public workshop conducted at the request of the Citizen Group, county
officials are now considering a moratorium on large dairies in the county
until studies are done to determine whether the impacts of such facilities
can be mitigated.
By joining stakeholders together to educate the public, lobby
decision-makers, and voice residents' concerns, the Citizens Group can
serve as an inspiration for other communities challenging the presence of
mega-dairies and other dangerous businesses in their area.
This article was featured in
API's magazine
Animal Issues in the fall of 2003. |
The following is a transcript from a report on
KPRC TV, Houston,
Texas, November 19, 2003
Unfortunately, this situation is not unique, and it is happening all
over the U.S. Please consider adopting instead of buying a pet. For
information on adopting breed specific animals, click
Puppies Bred In 'Disgusting' Conditions
Prospective Dog Owners Should Check Out Breeders
HOUSTON -- Some call them puppies for profit.
Others accuse them of contributing to dog shelter overcrowding. They are
large-scale puppy breeders, sometimes housing hundreds of dogs and
But the News2Houston Investigators found that some are not only huge,
but also unhealthy, and you could have bought a puppy there and not even
know it.
News2Houston undercover cameras found a large puppy breeding facility
about an hour northwest of Houston.
When News2Houston went in with the Houston Humane Society, they found
more than 70 dogs, caged inside and out, and some chained up all across
the property.
Many of the dogs and puppies were living in their own waste, and
cramped crates housed several animals at a time.
"It was just heartbreaking," said Carolyn Kendrick, who rescued a dog
from the facility.
After seeing a newspaper ad, Kendrick drove a friend to find a puppy
there and could not believe what she saw.
Soon, Kendrick and dog-groomer Theresa Murders went back to rescue
several dogs, including Penny the poodle.
"It was in very bad condition. It smelled badly of urine. You could
tell it had been kept in pretty bad conditions," Murders said.
Penny the dog went to the vet with a serious bladder infection. She
had spent so much time in a cage, she was scared to even be touched.
"It's possible this dog might have died had she not gotten some
medical attention," Kendrick said.
The owners are elderly and did provide food and water to most dogs,
according to officials. But they either could not or did not keep the
place clean or organized, police said.
They weren't only selling puppies to people who visited, but they
said other breeders and pet stores went there to buy puppies.
"These are poor conditions from the beginning of a dog's life. And
then they're being adopted out to a family that has no idea the way the
animal is being raised," said Sgt. Mark Timmers, Houston's animal
cruelty investigator.
Timmers said that is a concern with large-scale breeders. Many times,
those animals are sold at pet stores and flea markets or just on the
side of the road, away from where the animals are bred.
Veterinarians warn, unless you see where the puppies have been
raised, you never know what condition of animal you may be buying.
"You don't know where they're coming from. You don't know their
disease status. Are they sick? Will they get sick?" said Dr. Tim
Harkness, a veterinarian.
Harkness also worries about the condition of the dogs used for
breeding. He said a single breeding dog could have hundreds of puppies
in her lifetime -- most of that time spent living in a small cage,
rarely getting out.
News2Houston also took their cameras to a large-scale breeder north
of Houston.
"How many dogs you think you have here?" News2Houston asked.
"Oh, about 250 or so," the facility's owner said.
At that location, the dogs live in specialized "in and out" trailers
that are clean.
And while vets say there are good breeders who sell healthy pets,
there's no statewide regulations or inspectors to regulate the number of
dogs or check out conditions of most breeders.
"These puppies you buy off the side of the road or at a pet store,
they don't require anything. All they want is money and that's just what
they get," Harkness said.
"The only regulation you have are the people watching the dogs
themselves," Timmers said.
Meanwhile, Penny the poodle is improving. And even though the puppy
breeder was not charged with a crime, after News2Houston visited, many
of the dogs were confiscated.
But vets ask, "Who knows how many unsuspecting people now have
puppies from this place -- puppies who already have had health problems
or will have in years to come?"
Many times, sick puppies and breeding dogs end up at shelters like
the Houston Humane Society. Some are so sick they have to be euthanized,
but many are nursed back to health and ready to make good pets.
The Humane Society suggests that you find a puppy there or from a
breeder you have personally checked out
Tips To Finding A Good Breeder:
From The Houston Humane Society
- Reputable breeders usually keep the dogs in the home as part of
the family, not outside in kennels.
- They should show you where the dogs spend their time.
- Good breeders usually only breed one or two types of dogs.
- Purebred papers do not guarantee anything, including the health of
the puppy.
Online Resources:
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Page Two
"We are compelled by the
commandment of love contained in our hearts and thought, and proclaimed by
Jesus, to give rein to our natural sympathy for animals. We are also compelled
to help them and spare them suffering."
Albert Schweitzer